JUKEBOX <- JUKEBOX (mulle.us/jukebox)RADIO <- RADIO (mulle.us/radio)(Warning if u using an amplifier start on the lowest, and/or headphones it can be (laʊd) sometimes when testing, to (laʊd). =)))
_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ | | __ _ __| |_ _ | | | / ___| / \ _ _| | __ | | / _` |/ _` | | | || | | \___ \ / _ \ | | | | |/ / | |__| (_| | (_| | |_| || |_| |___) / ___ \ | |_| | < |_____\__,_|\__,_|\__, (_)___/|____/_/ \_(_)__,_|_|\_\ |___/
Rules for driving in New York:
(1) Anything done while honking your horn is legal.
(2) You may park anywhere if you turn your four-way flashers
(3) A red light means the next six cars may go through the
JUKEBOX <- JUKEBOX -> -not avaible in this region)RADIO <- RADIO (mulle.ru/radio)
(Warning if u using an amplifier start on the lowest, and/or headphones it can be (laʊd) sometimes when testing, to (laʊd). =)))
_ _ __ __ | | __ _ __| |_ _| \/ | ___ ___ ___ _____ __ | | / _` |/ _` | | | | |\/| |/ _ \/ __|/ __/ _ \ \ /\ / / | |__| (_| | (_| | |_| | | | | (_) \__ \ (_| (_) \ V V / |_____\__,_|\__,_|\__, |_| |_|\___/|___/\___\___/ \_/\_/ MULLE.RU |___/